Monday, January 5, 2015

New Years Goals

For the first time in my life, I didn't have my New Years goals and resolutions written out months in advance. I'm not exactly sure if that's a good thing, or just a sign that I have never been less ready for the future. This will be my last full year as a student, a terrifying fact in my life. As much as I would love to turn on Netflix and ignore this post even more, that's just not the type of year I'm hoping for. Without further stalling, I present to you lovely readers my goals for 2015.
  1. Read Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Near the end of 2014 I read my first bit of Marquez in English, prior to this I had read small bits of his work in Spanish, and now I'm hooked. My plan is to read all his novels in publication order because I am a huge nerd and want to see the progression of his writing. Someday, I will read them all in Spanish the same way, but that is a resolution for another year. 
  2. Write more. This is the writer version of pledging to become a gym regular. Don't roll your eyes at me, that doesn't have to mean I don't fully pledge myself to this goal. 
  3. Vote in my local and national elections. 
  4. Work harder. Now anyone who knows my IRL would strangle me for this one, but to hell with it this is my list. I felt very lazy this year, like I was on autopilot for most of 2014. 
  5. Enjoy myself. There is a shameful lack of fun in my life, a crime for someone my age. I have anxiety, that's part of my chemistry, but it doesn't have to dictate my every decision. 
In support of #5 I will refrain from making this list 20 items long. Yeah, you bet I have tons of other tiny goals in mind for the next few months but these are the most important. This blog is more of a diary than anything so it's likely that I will check back in with my tiny projects each month. I wish all of you buena suerte in your goals for the New Year!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Thank You

There are not many people following this blog, which is totally my fault. Still, I wanted to use this space to say thank you to all the people who have recently subscribed to me on my youtube channels. I was in a rut for awhile and it can get disheartening even for the most enthusiastic creator. Things have turned around recently. I feel like I am connecting with more and more of you everyday. It is truly amazing the amount of talented passionate people that reside in these online communities. I'm outrageously close to 400 subscribers on my main channel and the gratitude I feel is overwhelming. Thank you for watching and reading my content. Thank you for being apart of this internet adventure with me. Those friends I have made online will stay with me long after youtube ceases to exist. You have all been my support system when life gets too real. There are no words to describe just how thankful I am for all of you. Let's continue on this adventure together. 


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

First Beauty video! | July Favorites

Extra Thoughts
  • "A whole new world..." Proud of myself for finally getting this channel rolling. 
  • If you haven't yet please subscribe to this channel too. Support me in my new adventure.
  • Lipstick is NYX in Avia 
  • It's crazy to have a brand new channel. It's like holding a tiny baby in your hand and needing to watch it constantly. Fun times!

Separating Art from the Artist

Extra thoughts
  • This topic can be touchy for some people but it needs to be discussed.
  • Overall, make sure the people you go out of your way to support are worth your time. 
  • Child molestors are not worth your time, just to clarify. 

Embarrassing July Wrap-Up and August TBR

Extra Thoughts
  • Feel free to make fun of my expression in the thumbnail. I FORGOT TO TAKE A PICTURE AGAIN. 
  • I'm kinda bummed that I haven't been doing much reading this summer. I hope I can make up for lost time. 
  • How do you feel about studio lighting? Does anyone have some recommendations? 

Book Outlet Haul and Unboxing!!

Extra Thoughts 
  • If you have never shopped on Book Outlet before, don't. Your welcome. 
  • No lipstick in this video, so much shame. 
  • I'm extremely happy with this load of books and the diversity they add to my bookshelves. What books have you added to your shelves recently? 

The Longest Day of the Year | Vlog

Extra Thoughts 
  • This was a difficult video to make because of how personal a struggle this is. 
  • If anyone you know is suffering from Alzheimer's feel free to comment or email me. I'm not a caregiver, only a grandchild, but I can listen. 
  • Editing wise this was the most complicated video I have ever created. I learned some new tricks for this that I hope to incorporate in other videos.